The Simple Dollar - Editorial Styleguide

The styleguide below compliments the The Simple Dollar - Component Library. My team performed a heuristic evaluation on TSD’s top-visited pages – surfacing significant inconsistencies throughout the UI and functionality - including misused brand assets, colors, iconography, and photography. We concluded that the misuse of brand assets had become detrimental to the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the tools associated with the brand.

My Role – Previously, there were no guidelines and standards for the nearly forty Content Publishers to use for maintaining brand and visuals consistency. To ensure consistent usage of the Component Library assets, I integrated guidelines and standards throughout the design process, such as accessibility requirements, user interface best practices, and interaction patterns. Additionally, I hosted multiple lunch-n-learns to evangelize the need for brand consistency and how to use the Component Library for Engineers and Content Publishers.

Results – Equipped with the styleguide below and a new found collective ownership in being a part of establishing brand recognition – the team prioritized brand awareness, thus increasing time on page and improving the brand legitimacy and trustworthiness.